Parallel Merge Sort – implement a classic sorting algorithm utilising concurrency Distributed System, Sorting Algorithm, Distributed System

Posted by: Anthony-Claret Onwutalobi - Posted on:

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The aim of our project was to implement a classic sorting algorithm utilizing concurrency. We decided on Merge Sort because of its inherent parallelism. Sorting in general has been hailed as a cornerstone in Computer Science [SHG09], as many computer algorithms rely heavily upon it. Such an algorithm is for example the classic Kruskal algorithm for constructing a minimum spanning tree of an undirected graph [Kru56]. Merge Sort is based on the popular Divide-and-conquer approach [CLR02], where the problem at hand is broken into smaller problems of similar nature, which are in turn solved recursively, and the solutions are then combined.


Parallel_Merge_Sort Parallel Merge Sort

Anthony-Claret Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a Software Engineer and has worked at varied roles like Business Analyst, Software Web Developer, Digital Marketing consultant, Graphic Design/ Web Designer, Education Counsellor/ Recruitment officer and a software tester. Mr Claret publishes and manages the content on this website. He's also a writer, Activist, Humanitarian, Pan Africanist, a proponent of Social Justice, Equality & Human Rights, a great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and an all-around digital guy.

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